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Education and Human Sciences

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1.0 Introduction

The Office of Educator Support (OES) at Oklahoma State University includes academic programs in the College of Education and Human Sciences, the Ferguson College of Agriculture, and the College of Arts and Sciences. In addition, the OES works closely with the Graduate College on teacher certification programs at the master’s and doctoral levels and programs for which “graduate special” students seek enrollment.


The OES at Oklahoma State University works closely with several external agents to ensure the highest quality within each program. These external agents include the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (OSHRE), the Office of Educational Quality and Accountability (OEQA), and the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE). While these external agents seek to work closely with each other, policies, procedures, and requirements continuously change.

  • 1.1 Professional Education Dispositions 

    Professional Dispositions of candidates are formally assessed at least twice during your academic program, once early during the program and once later. Dispositions may also be addressed and recorded at any point in a candidate’s program, and concerns may result from a formal or informal interaction. Dispositional concerns are often why candidates are unsuccessful in completing a field experience, course, or program. Dispositional challenges may affect a candidate’s ability to be placed for field experiences or clinical practice; placements are not guaranteed.


    Candidates who are not successful will be provided with remediation and guidance tailored to them, and except in egregious cases or when problems persist over time, candidates who encounter dispositional challenges generally become successful educators. Faculty, mentors, and/or supervisors measure professional dispositions with the pre-CPAST instrument (for early field experiences) and the CPAST instrument (during the internship).  Program area faculty will provide candidates with information on these instruments.


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