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  • Study abroad programs are usually 5-12 days long with a range of 10-25 students.
  • An up-to-date passport is required for co-leaders.
  • A list of items that are covered for co-leaders are listed as follows: flight, housing, excursions, any visa charges, and 50% of your per diem.
  • Co-leaders are required to assist faculty during pre-trips and abroad. Specific duties will be determined by the discretion of the faculty leader overseeing the program. All co-leaders are required to attend mandatory training sessions organized by CEHS Global and the Center for Global Learning. Please note that reimbursement will not be provided for travel to in-person training sessions.
  • Co-leaders are expected to recruit for their program throughout the semester. Recruitment is a critical component of the program’s success and will primarily be the responsibility of the program leaders as part of their workload.
  • In addition to general policies, please read the CEHS Global policies and procedures that are on the CEHS Global website.