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Dietetic Internship Community Nutrition Practicum



University of Ghana is recognized for its well established global community nutrition internship program that serves students from diverse populations, including the U.S. While in Ghana students will engage in numerous activities under the supervision of a Ghanaian dietitian that will meet required U.S. ACEND community nutrition dietetic competencies. The program aligns with the OSU strategy to prepare ideal graduates who are engaged citizens both locally and globally. The long-term impact of the proposed project aligns with the UN Sustainable Development Goals of #2 No Hunger and #3 Health and Well-being. This course is designed for graduate students (MS Nutrition, MS Dietetics (Research and Practice Options), PhD Nutritional Sciences) who desire to gain experience in global/ community/public health nutrition in a developing country setting (specifically Ghana). Students in the Dietetic Internship program should enroll in NSCI 5432 Community Nutrition Practicum, the course can be taken as part of the student’s community nutrition rotations required for the DI Program. Students in the MS Nutrition or PhD Nutrition Sciences programs should enroll in NSCI 5870 (2 credit hours) Problems in Nutritional Sciences which will fulfill, in part, elective course requirements.


*Scholarships Available


Program Highlights

  • Visit local health facilities
  • Attend a workshop on cultural orientation, dietetic practice, introduction to common nutrition and health challenges in the communities
  • Visit a traditional market
  • Try traditional meals
  • Guest Lecture on Understanding the Individual and Policy Systems and Environment (I+PSE) framework for action.
  • Community engagement sessions
  • Fieldwork
  • Cultural immersion activities
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