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Site-Based Policies and Procedures Regarding the Candidate

  • Use of Candidates as Substitutes

    The intent of the internship does not include the use of the Candidate as a substitute teacher. To assure continued success for both the Candidate and the students, the school administration has the discretion to use the Candidate as a substitute for the assigned mentor teacher only in an emergency and only for a short period of time. The policy guidelines for substitute teaching are:


    • In the unavoidable absence of the mentor teacher, the Candidate may be allowed to assume responsibility only for the classes of the Mentor Teacher. Should this event occur during the first four weeks of the internship, a suitable supervisor, such as a faculty member or a substitute teacher, must remain in the classroom with the Candidate.
    • During the period of time that the Candidate serves as a substitute teacher, the local district shall arrange for another teacher or administrator to provide on-going supervision of the Candidate and students.
    • Should the Mentor Teacher’s absence extend beyond three (3) days, the school should, in cooperation with the University Supervisor and the clinical practice coordinator, arrange for continued supervision and/or possible change of assignment.
    • The Candidate may serve as the substitute for his/her mentor teacher in a non-emergency situation during the last two weeks of the internship.  The Candidate may be paid the established rate of pay as set by the local school district for serving as the substitute.

    If you have any questions regarding the implementation of this policy, call Kathy Thomas, Coordinator of Clinical Practice, 405-744-1088 or

  • Certificates for Professional Development

    OSU will issue a Certificate for Professional Development (CPD) to the Mentor Teacher who has submitted a final evaluation by the specified deadline as a token of appreciation for his/her service. The Mentor Teacher is notified via email with the link to the evaluation and that semester’s deadline. Since the evaluation counts toward the Candidate’s grade, it must be received by the deadline, or a CPD will not be issued. This certificate can be applied to tuition for resident credit enrollments at OSU and OSU- Tulsa.


    A Mentor Teacher may choose not to use the CPD and can transfer it to another certified teacher/administrator within the same school district. However, the Mentor Teacher and the superintendent of the school district must sign the back of the certificate signifying approval of the transfer, before it can be transferred to another certified teacher/administrator in the district.


    Although the CPD is issued to the Mentor Teacher, some school districts have elected the “banking” method, whereby the CPD is sent to the district office.  In this method, the Mentor Teacher of record is given the first option to use the CPD. The “banking” approach has many advantages for the school district, since the district can ensure use of the certificates before the expiration date.

  • Procedures and Policies for use of Certificates for Professional Development

    Certificates of Professional Development will not be issued to Mentor Teachers who fail to submit a final evaluation of the Candidate’s performance prior to the deadline provided by OES each semester (typically the Wednesday of the candidate’s last week on site).


    • This tuition waiver can only be used by a certified teacher or administrator for their own OSU tuition. It can only be transferred to another teacher/administrator within the district with Superintendent Approval. The number of hours the CPD can be used toward is listed on the front right hand corner of the certificate.
    • Individuals cannot receive cash in lieu of this tuition waiver. Certificates cannot be sold. See OSU Policy #3-0362.9, Reporting and Taxability of Assistantships, Fellowships, Scholarships, Fee Waivers and other payments to students.
    • A redeemed CPD applies to the semester in which coursework is completed and must be turned in prior to the end of the semester. The course(s) that the CPD is being used toward must be completed prior to the CPD’s redemption deadline listed on the front of the CPD. No more than six hours may be redeemed by one person during any one semester or summer session. Certificates pay for tuition only (not fees) for resident, extension, or OSU/Tulsa courses.
    • The certificate does not cover tuition for courses from which the teacher/administrator drops or withdraws.
    • CPDs are applied to your account shortly after the initial drop/add deadline for the semester or summer session in which you are enrolled. Therefore, your Bursar bill will not reflect the credit until after the deadlines. The Academic Calendar with drop/withdraw deadlines can be accessed at
    • Please direct questions or submit the CPD to: Kathleen Colson, Office of Professional Education, 325H Willard Hall, OSU, Stillwater, OK 74078, 405-744-9506, at the time of enrollment. 
  • Internship Application Process

    Candidates complete an internship application process with the Office of Educator Support staff. Candidates should not meet with teachers or principals in an attempt to establish their own placement or have others do so on their behalf. All internships occur in public schools.

  • Placement in Internship Assignment

    Candidates are placed within an approximate 75-mile radius of Stillwater and in the Tulsa area for OSU-Tulsa. For accreditation purposes, these schools have been designated Urban (U), Suburban (S) and Rural (R) to give Candidates diverse experiences across field experiences and internship. These designations are determined by a combination of socio-economic make-up, racial/ethnic diversity, proximity to larger cities, and district size within the context of our regional service area and the State of Oklahoma.


    Placements are based on the following criteria:


    • OSU must have a contractual agreement with the participating school district
    • The Principal and the Mentor Teacher/Educator must be in agreement about the placement
    • The Mentor Teacher/Educator must meet established criteria to work with a Candidate, and
    • A qualified OSU Supervisor must be available for travel to the partner school.
    • Program faculty recommendation for internship (based on academics, field experiences, and dispositions). (See Dispositions Document)


    Confirmation of Placement 

    Requests are sent to school districts for placements. After the Office of Educator Support receives confirmation of the placement, the candidate receives a confirmation e-mail.  The assignment is tentative until all internship requirements are completed.


    Length of Internship Assignments

    With the exception of a few PK-12 programs, whose Candidates have two placements in one semester, all internships last throughout the university’s fall or spring semester.  When possible, depending on program preference, Candidates may begin when the partner school begins the school year or returns from winter break.



    Once the internship begins, Candidates will follow the schedule of the school district to which s/he is assigned. The Candidate must attend all meetings and events that the Teachers in the Partner School must attend. Like in-service teachers, Candidates must be absent only for serious reasons (e.g., illness, death of a family member). If an absence is inevitable, the Candidate must notify the Mentor Teacher, University Supervisor and the program faculty in advance. Absences that exceed  two days,  may result in make-up days at the end of the semester. As with any course, excessive absences may result in failure of the internship.  



    Candidates are expected to dress professionally and to adhere to any dress code set forth by the school district. Visible jewelry for body piercing, facial hair, and visible tattoos may be considered inappropriate professional dress in some schools and districts. Candidates should consult the school handbook and the mentor teacher if questions arise.

  • Special Needs of the Candidate

    Accommodations that are required by the candidate’s plan on file with the OSU Student Disabilities Services Office will be followed during the internship. It is the Candidate’s responsibility to meet with the course instructor prior to the beginning of the semester to discuss these needs.

  • Insurance

    School districts and OSU do not insure a Candidate during the internship; Candidates are responsible for carrying medical insurance. By joining the OEA (Oklahoma Education Association)  or the POE (Professional Oklahoma Educators) they will have liability insurance during the internship. This is essential protection for Candidates as professionals working in a school setting; student memberships are offered at a significantly reduced rate for both organizations.  

  • Outside Activities/Classes during the Internship

    The internship experience is considered the beginning of a Candidate’s professional career, and his/her energies should be directed toward making the most of the professional assignment. Therefore, outside employment or taking coursework other than the internship courses is definitely not advised during the internship. If a Candidate believes employment is a necessity, s/he must confer with the University Supervisor and Mentor to ensure such employment doesn’t conflict with school site schedules or other professional obligations.  

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