Center for Family Resilience
Connecting Research and Practice to Promote Resilience.
Who we are
The Center for Family Resilience works to strengthen university and community capacity
to prevent risk and promote resilience for individuals and families by connecting
research and practice through research translation and education, evaluation and technical
assistance, and community engagement.
Research to Practice
With a focus on individual and family resilience, the Research to Practice Seminar
Series aims to bring together students, researchers, service providers and policy
makers around a series of monthly research talks given by experts focused on a common
theme. The goal is translating resilience science to pave the way for practical applications
for family health and well-being.
Our Work
Research Seminars
Engage in monthly seminars that introduce faculty, students and community practitioners to new concepts and methods for understanding risk and resilience.
In the News
Center for Family Resilience hosts free training for parents, teachers