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Research Objectives


  1. Nurture and grow a multidisciplinary, international research team focused on immigrant families.
  2. Apply for and receive federal and state funding and help others secure funding for projects.
  3. Provide methodological services related to immigration studies to the larger community of scholars.
  4. Develop instruments needed to study immigrant children, youth and parents.
  5. Develop and test interventions designed for immigrant children, youth and parents.
  6. Be a repository for data bases on immigrant populations.
  7. Develop a panel of participants who are immigrants’ children, youth and parents to promote rapid data collection for research projects.
  8. Provide mentoring opportunities for students, post-doctoral fellows and junior faculty/
  9. Create partnerships with community organizations to facilitate learning from their experience working with immigrant populations, disseminating NIIHE findings, implement and test interventions.
  10. Develop and present research-based policy briefs focused on immigrant families.
  11. Promote a welcoming environment for diverse students and particularly for those who are of immigrant parentage.


Research Projects and Initiatives  


Unidos Se Puede

Unidos Se Puede is an empirically supported intervention developed by Dr. Cox and his team to improve Latino immigrant health and educational opportunities in Oklahoma. Recently the team has expanded their efforts into other immigrant and ethnic minority populations. One grant proposal to implement the Unidos program is currently under review at the USDA/NIFA and features partnerships with researchers from West Virginia and a second is under review with partners from Iowa State University.


Shared Language Erosion (SLE)

Currently Dr. Cox and his team have three grant applications under review to further study how SLE impacts family relationships and by extension the health of immigrant youth. Three additional proposals are currently under development including an intervention developed by Dr. Cox and his team. Partnerships to implement these projects have been secured from Tulsa Public Schools, Stillwater Public Schools and the Latino Community Development Agency in OKC.


The Oklahoma Pro-Family Project

Bright Futures for Chinese American Families


Proyecto Tu Voz

This effort partners with the Coalition for Hispanic Organizations in Tulsa to develop a panel of immigrant children, youth and parents to create a bi-directional communication hub. This hub will be used to disseminate important information to the community and to harvest real-time information for use with research projects and community organizations.


Research-to-Practice Conference

In collaboration with the Latino Community Development Agency, this conference will disseminate current findings and identify emerging issues related to the immigrant children, youth and parents in Oklahoma. An application for a conference grant will be submitted to support these efforts.