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Welcome to the Oklahoma Literacy InnoVative Education (OLIVE) Center! Supported by the Buck Endowed Professorship.

Innovation in Literacy Education

The aim of the OLIVE Center is to support classroom teachers (pre-kindergarten through secondary) in their professional literacy learning.  Our goal is to support educators in teaching comprehensive literacy through current, relevant research built upon theoretical foundations. Over time we look forward to expanding our services.

Reading Recovery®

Early intervention. First grade. Acceleration.
Reading Recovery® is a short-term (12-20 weeks) intervention that changes first-graders lives. Reading Recovery® teachers receive year-long training on literacy theory and practices that accelerate the growth of children who have literacy learning challenges.

Reading Recovery® StatsReading Recovery® is based on sound scientific research for over 40 years. What Works Clearinghouse has confirmed that Reading Recovery® is effective. Further, Evidence for ESSA has given Reading Recovery® a strong rating.


reduces the achievement gap for poverty and minority status children, English learners, and children performing below grade level.
2 million+
first graders have received Reading Recovery® lessons

of Reading Recovery® students

read at grade level after 12-20 weeks of lessons.


Statement about pathways that explains......


  • Classroom teacher/literacy interventionist

    Step 1: Set-up a Zoom or in person meeting with Dr. Donita Shaw to go over your goals and gain more information about Reading Recovery®.


    Step 2: Register to take a master’s course on teaching Reading Recovery®. This course will ask you to teach one first grader a daily lesson (30 minutes) either before, during, or after school.


    Step 3: Pending your goals, you may want to take another semester of master’s coursework. Another option is to build awareness in your district and request that Reading Recovery® become an intervention in your district.

  • District administrator

    Step 1: Set-up a Zoom or in person meeting with Dr. Donita Shaw to go over your site goals and gain more information about Reading Recovery®. When ready, sign an agreement with OSU to implement Reading Recovery® in your district.

    Step 2: Select a qualified master teacher who will attend a year-long training of doctoral coursework at OSU. Some work will be hybrid (at home) and some will be in person at OSU-Tulsa (approximately once a month). The selected person will be your Teacher Leader to oversee Reading Recovery® in your district and work closely with Reading Recovery® teachers. It is expected the Teacher Leader teach four first graders during the training year.

    Step 3: During the school year following step 2, the Teacher Leader will now train Reading Recovery teachers in your school district. The Reading Recovery® teachers who go through training take 6 credits (3 credits in the fall semester and 3 credits spring semester) of master’s level coursework. They will teach four first graders during their training year.

    Step 4: In school years following step 3, the Teacher Leader will continue to help the district grow to full implementation, serving all first graders who need Reading Recovery® intervention. This means the Teacher Leader will continue to offer master’s training classes and the Teacher Leader will also provide ongoing professional development for the trained teachers.

    Step 5: For as long as possible, continue partnership with OSU to grow and maintain Reading Recovery® intervention in your district.


Dr. Donita Shaw Center CoordinatorTeaching, Learning and Educational