Current Projects and Contracts
State Department of Education
Project AWARE
The BRIDGE Center provides evaluation of the three AWARE grants from the Oklahoma
State Department of Education (OSDE). The purpose of the AWARE grant program is to
build or expand the capacity of State Educational Agencies in partnership with State
Mental Health Agencies and Local Education Agencies to 1) increase awareness of mental
health issues among students 2) provide training to school personnel and other adults
who interact with students to detect and respond to mental health issues; and 3) connect
students, who may have behavioral health issues, serious emotional disturbance or
serious mental illness, and their families to needed services. The BRIDGE Center collects
outcome data, consults with participating schools districts on effective and efficient
data collection and provides ongoing feedback to districts, OSDE and federal reporting
agencies regarding progress toward the grant goals.
School Climate Transformation Grant
The BRIDGE Center provides technical assistance and coaching to the OSDE’s School Climate Transformation team, which assists schools and districts in the areas of Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), Trauma-Informed Training, Prevention Topics, Mental Health Awareness and Opioid/Substance Abuse Prevention. The BRIDGE Center team collaborates on the development of training materials, integration of data and distribution of resources to Oklahoma schools.
School Personnel Development Grant
The BRIDGE Center provides district and site-level MTSS coaching support to Bixby Public Schools via the OSDE’s School Personnel Development grant (OTISS), which assists schools and districts in the implementation Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS).
Project RESPECT (ReSpecialize; RePurpose, ReEducate, ReCruit, ReTain) is a federally funded School-based Mental Health Professional Grant awarded to the State Department of Education. The grant provides funding for school-based mental health professionals, training, and consultation support to build multi-tiered systems of support in 14 school districts located in Pottawatomie County, OK. The OSU BRIDGE Center provides evaluation and MTSS training on the project.
School Districts
Project AWARE
The BRIDGE Center provides coaching support and evaluation of a school-level AWARE grants awarded to Maryetta Public Schools. The purpose of the AWARE grant program is to build or expand the capacity of Local Educational Agencies in partnership with State Mental Health Agencies to 1) increase awareness of mental health issues among students 2) provide training to school personnel and other adults who interact with students to detect and respond to mental health issues; and 3) connect students, who may have behavioral health issues, serious emotional disturbance or serious mental illness, and their families to needed services. The BRIDGE Center collects outcome data, consults the district on effective and efficient data collection and provides ongoing coaching and feedback regarding progress toward the grant goals.
The BRIDGE Center staff provide evaluation for Project PREPARE, a Mental Health Professionals Demonstration Grant from the Osage County Interlocal Cooperative. The goal of the Project PREPARE is to expand the pipeline of mental health professionals into high-need public elementary schools and secondary schools in order to address the shortages of school-based mental health service providers in schools. The BRIDGE Center collects data regarding project outcomes and reports outcomes to stakeholders. Additionally, the BRIDGE Center assists with recruitment of undergraduate students to school-based mental health professions.
Stringtown STRIVE
The BRIDGE Center provides ongoing consultation and coaching support to Stringtown Public Schools on the implementation of MTSS and integrating school-based mental health services effectively. The goals of the grant are to implement training for staff, improve school climate, implement an MTSS framework with fidelity, decrease opioid use, decrease suspensions and expulsions related to alcohol use or possession, decrease suspensions or expulsion related to substance use or possession, decrease absenteeism rates, improve academic achievement scores, decrease office discipline referrals and reduce documented instances of bullying.
Project UPCAST
Project UPCAST is a federally funded School-based Mental Health Professional Grant awarded to OSU-CHS. The grant is designed to create a pipeline of future school mental health professionals through a coordinated approach of recruitment and mentoring diverse individuals applying to the field of school-based mental health, provide holistic training experiences on collaboration across disciplines in high-needs schools, and connect trainees with full-time employment in high needs districts. OSU School Psychology and NSU School Counseling graduate students participate in paid practicum placements at partner school districts and receive additional didactic training in MTSS and mental health. The project is also actively recruiting and raising awareness for careers in school-based mental health.