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Education and Human Sciences

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Info Cards


$20,690 for Oklahoma residents ($35,730 out-of-state), comprised of:

  • $10,480 ($25,520 out-of-state) tuition and fees
  • $8,940 room and board
  • $1,270 books and supplies


$16,390 for Oklahoma residents ($26,410 out-of-state), based on 16 hours and comprised of:

  • $6,470 ($16,490 out-of-state) tuition and fees
  • $8,940 room and board
  • $980 books and supplies

Vet Med

$35,600 for Oklahoma residents ($61,580 out-of-state) for the first year, comprised of:

  • $22,570 ($48,550 out-of-state) tuition and fees
  • $370 loan fees
  • $8,940 room and board
  • $3,720 books and supplies

Generic Container with Aside

There are many paths an agribusiness major can take. Many are similar to those of other business majors, but with a focus on agricultural products and services. Potential jobs include:

Headline Group23,237 students


Feature Text with Black CalloutFor Admission and Scholarships at Oklahoma State University

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Cowboy! Complete this appliction to be considered for undergraduate admission and scholarships at OSU.

Start my application


Routing Lists

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Financial aid process

Here is our Start2Finish guide to walk you through the process of applying for and receiving federal financial aid at OSU.

Applying for aid (FAFSA & scholarships) Award notifications Accepting aid Checklist to receive aid When aid is disbursed
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Scholarships & tuition waivers

Scholarships are a form of gift aid that does not require repayment. Tuition waivers are reductions of the credit hour tuition (not fees) you are charged to attend OSU; they are not cash scholarships.

Freshman scholarships Transfer scholarships International student scholarships Current undergraduate student scholarships Graduate student scholarships Native American student scholarships
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Other types of aid

Grants (undergraduate) Work-study Loans Student employment TEACH Grant (graduate) Health Professions Loan Program (vet med)

StatsStudents qualify for assured admission if they meet ONE of the following criteria:

Unweighted cumulative GPA

and top 33.3% rank in high school graduating class
GPA in 15-unit core**

and 21+ ACT / 1060+ SAT




News and Events


Schweitzer Fellow educating teenagers on domestic violence Schweitzer Fellow educating teenagers on domestic violence Feb 21

Cali Sweazea hopes to curb domestic violence among teenagers through communication and education. Sweazea, a second-year medical student at OSU College of Osteopathic Medicine at the Cherokee Nation, is a part of the Albert Schweitzer Fellowship 2024-25 Tulsa cohort, one of 13 chapters in the United States.

OSU maintains prestigious recognition as Carnegie R1 institution OSU maintains prestigious recognition as Carnegie R1 institution Feb 21

Oklahoma State University has once again secured its designation as a Carnegie R1 research institution, reinforcing its position among the top research universities in the nation.




  • Accordian (2018)

    Sed quisquam eius ut cumque vero. Beatae consequatur rerum perspiciatis aut expedita. Est aut error omnis molestiae amet.

  • Why is it important?

    Dolorum ut porro maiores autem quae. Ratione repudiandae explicabo expedita nobis illo amet. Blanditiis sequi ea consequatur saepe.

  • What expenses are included?

    Quia ullam quia ab non incidunt. Dolore voluptates repellat qui. Tempore at est quo qui blanditiis consequuntur.

  • How can I cut costs?

    Et sequi ut aliquam voluptatem repellat animi incidunt. Dolor nisi dolor dolor. Dignissimos expedita laboriosam odit dolores quasi assumenda.


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Intro with Media

Every student is different, with different requirements. These timelines and checklists have the information you need to stay on top of your admission deadlines.



Apply for aid

Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) after October 1st and submit your information to be considered for available scholarships.

Anything missing?

Log back in a few weeks after you apply to make sure we’ve received all the documents we need to process your aid application.

Check for updates

Check for award notices either at your official OSU email or, for new undergraduate students, in the mail.


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Student Disabilities Services provides assistance in the classroom and in everyday life on campus.

America's Healthiest Campus

As America’s Healthiest Campus, we believe that wellness is more than diet and exercise, it’s a lifestyle.

Cooperative Extension

We provide science-based educational programs to help Oklahomans address local issues and manage resources wisely.


Flex 50/50

Not too big. Not too small. Just right.
From all 50 states and more than 100 countries around the world, our students make the cowboy family a vibrant and inclusive culture. With a student-to-faculty ratio of 20:1, we will help you prepare for the future by providing the academic support you need.


Contact Box

Quas nisi veniam quis optio placeat porro rem et. Et similique aut est voluptas. Id aut sed soluta quaerat adipisci. Facilis rem at dolorem aut ipsa.

Rosetta Grady Corporate TrainerDepartment/GroupLocation409.449.4665


Black Box

Totam aut aut tenetur dolorem ipsam id corporis. Nisi dolores itaque dolor id consequatur. Ipsam debitis quod sunt voluptatem.


Blackbox CTA Icons

Get MailVisit CampusApply


Gray Box



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Nihil quo aut quidem et vitae consectetur hic. Et qui alias voluptas quis error vero. Vitae veniam mollitia in mollitia qui repellat. Magni dolor quis in ut necessitatibus illo aut.

- Charley Schulist
East Johnson, Iowa


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Minus Ut Odio Aut totam quo fuga voluptas aut et ut ut. Qui asperiores id animi iste odio.
Asperiores Quisquam Et Praesentium sit quisquam officiis. Autem sit est possimus earum.
Explicabo Consequatur Non Laudantium dolores officiis nobis rerum minus ducimus adipisci incidunt. Sunt unde doloremque maiores amet quia qui.


Cowboy CodeHailing from all 50 states and 98 countries, we are united by the Cowboy Code.

  • We end the day knowing we gave it everything we had
  • We dream only as big as the sky
  • We know challenges come with pain, but pain will not win
  • We have a passion to do what's right, even when it's hard
  • We stand for what matters, even if we stand alone
  • We finish what we start
  • Being a Cowboy isn't in our clothes, it's in our character


Fast Facts

We call Stillwater home, and invite YOU to do the same.
Living on campus is one of the best ways to make friends and join the community. Freshmen live in centrally located on-campus housing. Choose your own roommate(s) or let us match you based on interests, habits and schedule preferences.