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Program Mission, Goals and Outcomes


Our Mission

We prepare students to provide ethically responsible, culturally competent, personally engaged, research-informed, and integrative-systemic therapeutic services for diverse individuals, couples, families, and presenting problems. Through an immersive, rigorous, and developmentally sequenced training approach—focused on clinical, academic, and professional excellence—this program equips students with the capability to enhance human lives, strengthen relationships, and support communities through leadership and service in the MFT profession.

Program Goals

  1. Integrative Systemic Therapy (THEORY)
    Demonstrate a knowledge of MFT theoretical models and clinical interventions and be able to apply an Integrative Systemic Therapy approach for diverse client populations and presenting problems.
  2. Cultural Competence & Humility (DIVERSITY)
    Demonstrate the principles of cultural competence and humility across professional and therapeutic contexts including capacities for assessing and treating client systems of diverse backgrounds, contexts, and identities.
  3. Professional & Relational Ethics (ETHICS)
    Demonstrate an understanding of relevant ethical and legal principles and codes of conduct as well as competence in ethical decision-making skills—with sensitivity toward values, diversity, and the systemic context.
  4. Research-Informed Practice (RESEARCH)
    Demonstrate competence in critically evaluating and applying relevant research to clinical practice, including competence in using measurement and feedback systems to empirically evaluate treatment progress.
  5. Personal & Professional Development (PERSONHOOD)
    Demonstrate a high degree of self-awareness and self-development to foster professional relationships and the effective use of self in therapy—including a commitment to continual self-evaluation and improvement.


Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Integrative Systemic Therapy (THEORY)

    1. SLO #1: Students will learn the theories, concepts, strategies, and techniques from the various models of MFT including their implications for assessment and treatment through an Integrative Systemic Therapy perspective.

      1. Markers:

        1. Systems final exam (Target: 80% of cohort ≥ 80%)

        2. Models final exam (Target: 80% of cohort ≥ 80%)

        3. Psychopathology final exam (Target: 80% of cohort ≥ 80%)

        4. Cumulative Exam (Target: 100% of cohort ≥ 70%)

    2. SLO #2: Students will competently apply the models of MFT through an Integrative Systemic Therapy approach to clinical decision-making and collaborative treatment with client systems.

      1. Markers:

        1. Final Clinical Skills Evaluation: Item #1 (Target: 100% of cohort ≥ Score of 3 (Average))

        2. Capstone Project (Target: 100% of cohort ≥ 70% in Capstone Rubric Section 1 Clinical Case Description)

        3. Capstone Project (Target: 100% of cohort ≥ 70% in Capstone Rubric Section 2 Blueprint (Aggregated score for: Hypothesizing, Planning, Conversing, and Feedback sections). 

  2. Cultural Competence & Humility (DIVERSITY)

    1. SLO #3: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the principles of cultural competence and humility they relate to clinical and professional roles and contexts.

      1. Markers:

        1. Roots Representation (Basic Skills Course) Paper (Target: 80% of cohort ≥ 80%)

    2. SLO #4: Students will demonstrate multicultural competence and humility in clinical assessment and treatment.

      1. Markers:

        1. Final Clinical Skills Evaluation: Item #2 (Target: 100% of cohort ≥ Score of 3 (Average))

        2. Capstone Project: Sociocultural Competence and Humility Section (Target: 100% of Cohort ≥ 70%)

  3. Professional & Relational Ethics (ETHICS)

    1. SLO #5: Students will demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of key ethical principles, laws/regulations, and professional codes of conduct.

      1. Markers:

        1. Ethics Final Exam (Target: 80% of cohort ≥ 80%)

    2. SLO #6: Students will follow ethical principles in clinical practice and attune to client’s diverse moral frameworks and multisystemic context. 

      1. Markers:

        1. Final Clinical Skills Evaluation: Item #3 (Target: 100% of cohort ≥ Score of 3 (Average))

  4. Research-Informed Practice (RESEARCH)

    1. SLO #7: Students will become knowledgeable consumers of research and evidence-based clinical practice.

      1. Markers:

        1. Research Methods Final Project (Target: 80% of cohort ≥ 80%)

    2. SLO #8: Students will effectively use clinically relevant research and assessment tools to inform clinical practice.

      1. Markers:

        1. Final Clinical Skills Evaluation: Item #4 (Target: 100% of cohort ≥ Score of 3 (Average))

  5. Personal & Professional Development (PERSONHOOD)

    1. SLO #9: Students will demonstrate an understanding of their own systems of origin and person of the therapist themes that apply to the effective use of self in therapy.

      1. Markers:

        1. System of Origin Presentation (Systems Course) (Target: 80% of cohort ≥ 80%)

        2. Signature Theme Presentations (Practicum) (Target: 80% of cohort ≥ 80%)

        3. Capstone Project: Self-of-the-Therapist Section (Target: 100% of cohort ≥ 70%)

    2. SLO #10: Students will engage in ongoing self-reflection and self-development—responding to feedback across clinical and professional contexts.

      1. Markers:

        1. Final Clinical Skills Evaluation: Item #5 (Target: 100% of cohort ≥ Score of 3 (Average))

        2. Offsite Supervisor Clinical Skills Evaluation: Item #5 (Target: 75% of cohort ≥ Score of 3 (Average))

        3. Capstone Project: Reflections on Your Development (Target: 100% of cohort ≥ 70%)


Graduate Achievement Data

  1. Job Placement

    1. Target: 75% of graduates in each cohort will be hired in positions utilizing skills learned in the program (question on annual alumni survey).  
  2. National Exam

    1. Target: The program will maintain a 90% or better pass rate on the national licensure exam for graduates in each cohort (question on alumni survey).
  3. Graduation Rate

    1. Target: The program will graduate 75% of students from each cohort in two- and one-half years (advertised length).
  4. Licensure Rate

    1. Benchmark (COAMFTE): The program will maintain a 70% rate or better for graduates in each cohort receiving any level of MFT licensure (question on alumni survey).
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