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Graduate Assistantships

Applied Exercise Science

Full-time students may be eligible for graduate assistantships, either as a Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) or a Graduate Research Assistant (GRA). These positions are highly competitive and typically awarded in the spring semester. Those granted assistantships are eligible to receive a tuition waiver, health insurance and stipend. Please contact for more information.  


Health and Human Performance

Full-time students may be eligible for graduate assistantships, either as a Graduate Teaching Associate (GTA) or a Graduate Research Associate (GRA). These positions are highly competitive and typically awarded in the spring semester. Those granted assistantships are eligible to receive a tuition waiver, health insurance and stipend. Please contact for more information.  


Leisure Studies

Full-time graduate students have the opportunity to gain experience in recreation management/recreational therapy and leisure studies by applying for a graduate assistantship. Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs) or Graduate Research Assistant (GRAs) are eligible to receive a tuition waiver for six credit hours each fall and spring semesters, university-provided health insurance and a stipend. Assistantships are competitive and typically awarded in late April for the following fall semester.


Assistantship application


Graduate Teaching Assistant

GTA positions in recreation management/recreational therapy involve teaching in the activity courses (golf, tennis, racquetball, weight training, backpacking, rock climbing, etc.) or service courses.


Graduate Research Assistant

GRAs are available in conjunction with on-going faculty research projects.