National Resources
Valuable resources about hidden populations are increasingly available. While we do not endorse the following, we do consider them to be quality options for campus decision makers, and professionals in higher education adjacent organizations.
- Networks
- Publications- Hidden Student Populations
Ahmed, T., Ilieva, R. T., Shane, J., Reader, S., Aleong, C., Wong, H. Y., Chu, C., Brusche, D., Jiang, K., Lopez, D., & Yan, A. (2022). A developing crisis in hunger: Food insecurity within 3 public colleges before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition. Advance online publication.
Broton, K. M. (2021). Poverty in American Higher Education: The Relationship Between Housing Insecurity and Academic Attainment. Journal of Postsecondary Student Success, 1(2), 18–45.
Caskey, R., & Price-Williams, S. (2023). Serving the Underserved: Formerly Incarcerated Students and Support Services. Journal of College Academic Support Programs, 6(1), 13.
Castedo de Martell, S., Steiker, L. H., Springer, A., Jones, J., Eisenhart, E., Brown, H. S. (2022). The cost-effectiveness of collegiate recovery programs. Journal of American College Health, 1-12.
Coakley, K. E., Cargas, S., Walsh-Dilley, M., & Mechler, H. (2022). Basic needs insecurities are associated with anxiety, depression, and poor health among university students in the state of New Mexico. Journal of Community Health, 47(3), 454-463.
Day, A. G., Smith, R. J. & Tajima, E. A. (2021). Stopping Out and Its Impact on College Graduation Among a Sample of Foster Care Alumni: A Joint Scale-Change Accelerated Failure Time Analysis. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 12(1), 11-39.
Geiger, J.M. & Okpych, N.J. (2021). Connected after Care: Youth characteristics, policy, and programs associated with postsecondary education and employment outcomes for youth with foster care histories. Child Maltreatment.
Hail, T., & Kearney, K. S. (2023). Completing college after foster care: A retrospective lens. Hail, T., & Kearney, K. S. (2023). Completing college after foster care: A retrospective lens. International Journal on Social and Education Sciences, 5(3), 571-604.
Havlicek, J., Dworsky, A., & Gitlow, E. (2021). Using Research to Improve the Postsecondary Educational Outcomes of Community College Students in Foster Care. Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago.
Hoffman-Cooper, A. E. (2021). From foster youth to foster scholar: Suggestions for emancipatory research practices. Children and Youth Services Review, 120, 105752.
Kearney, K. S., Naifeh, Z., Hammer, T., & Cain, A. (2019). “Family” ties for foster alumni in college: An open systems consideration. Review of Higher Education, 42(2), 793-824.
Kearney, K. S., Will, L, & Satterfield, J. W. (2019). Rendering the first-year experience: Experiences of successful foster alumni college students. Journal of the First-Year Experience & Students in Transition, 31(1), 95-115.
Kearney, K. S., Will, L. A., & Bailey, L. (under review, 2022). Revisioning "family": Considering the implications of voluntary kin for higher education practices. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice.
Klein, L. B., Brewer, N. Q., Cloy, C., Lovern, H. M., Bangen, M., McLean, K., Voth Schrag, R., & Wood, L. (2023). Campus interpersonal violence survivor advocacy services. Journal of American College Health. Advanced online publication.
Kornbluh, M., Wilking, J., Roll, S., & Donatello, R. (2022). Exploring housing insecurity in relation to student success. Journal of American College Health, 1-5.
Mechler, H., Coakley, K., Walsh-Dilley, M., & Cargas, S. (2021). Examining the relationship between food insecurity and academic performance: Implications for diversity and equity in higher education. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice, 1-16.
Moya, E. M., Wagler, A., Ayala, J., Crouse, M., Garcia, A., & Schober, G. S. (2022). Analysis of food and housing insecurity among university students at a public Hispanic-serving institution. Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition, 18(1), 21-35.
Moya, E., & Chavez-Baray, S. (2021). Desempleo y Bienestar en Universitarios: Inseguridad Alimentaria. (Unemployment and wellbeing in University Students: food insecurity). In Pobreza y COVID-19: Miradas Latinoamericanas (Poverty & COVID-19: Latin American views) in Cuadernos Fronterizos UACJ. Dossier especial (special dossier).
Piel, M. H., Geiger, J. M., Schelbe, L., Day, A., & Kearney, K. S. (2019). Lessons learned from college support programs for students with a history of foster care. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 57(1), 77-89.
Samarah, E. M. S., Schelbe, L., & Jackson, L. (2023). A photovoice study of college students who have experienced foster care, relative care, and/or homelessness. Children and Youth Services Review, 151, 107042.
Smith, R. L., Bannard, T., McDaniel, J., Aliev, F., Brown, A., Holliday, E., Vest, N., DeFrantz-Dufor, W., Recovery Science Research Collaborative, & Dick, D. M. (2024). COVID-19: An updated national longitudinal study. Addiction Research & Theory, 32(1), 58-67.
Smith, V. M. J., & Kearney, K. S. (2016). A qualitative exploration of the repatriation experiences of U.S. third culture kids at college. Journal of College Student Development, 57(8), 958-972.
Wagler, A., Schober, G. S., Chavez-Baray, S. M., Ayala, J., Dessauer, P. R., & Moya, E. M. (2022). Food and housing security at a US Hispanic-Serving Institution: An examination before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 918955.
Walsh-Dilley, M., Coakley, K. E., Mechler, H., & Cargas, S. (2022). Understanding the double burden: a mixed method analysis of overlapping food and housing insecurity among college students at a minority serving institution. Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness, 1-14.
Watt, T., Lord, K., Bustillos, S., Gavin-Williams, R., Greeson, J., Hail, T., & Hoffman-Cooper, A. (2023). Campus Liaisons for Students Who Have Experienced Foster Care: Lessons Learned from Texas Legislation. Children and Youth Services Review, 153, 107094.
Journal Publications – Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
Addie, N., Merians, Mischel, E., Frazier, P., & Lust, K. (2022). Relationships between childhood adversity and life functioning in US college students: Risk and resilience. Journal of American college health, 1-11.
Colburn, A. R., Kremer, K. P., & Jackson, D. B. (2021). Early trauma and psychosocial outcomes among college students. Children and youth services review, 126, 106052.
Cprek, S. E., Fisher, B. S., McDonald, M. J., McDaniel, H. M., Williamson, L., & Williams, C. M. (2021). Adverse childhood experiences and interpersonal violence among college students: does a relationship exist?. Journal of American college health, 69(8), 913-920.
Davies, E., Read, J., & Shevlin, M. (2021). The impact of adverse childhood experiences and recent life events on anxiety and quality of life in university students. Higher education, 1-14.
Forster, M., Grigsby, T. J., Rogers, C. J., & Benjamin, S. M. (2018). The relationship between family-based adverse childhood experiences and substance use behaviors among a diverse sample of college students. Addictive behaviors, 76, 298-304.
Gresham, B., & Karatekin, C. (2022). The role of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in predicting academic problems among college students. Child Abuse & Neglect, 105595.
Grigsby, T. J., Rogers, C. J., Albers, L. D., Benjamin, S. M., Lust, K., Eisenberg, M. E., & Forster, M. (2020). Adverse childhood experiences and health indicators in a young adult, college student sample: Differences by gender. International journal of behavioral medicine, 27, 660-667.
Grigsby, T. J., Schnarrs, P. W., Lunn, M. R., Benjamin, S. M., Lust, K., & Forster, M. (2021). Adverse childhood experiences and past 30-day cigarette and E-cigarette use among sexual and gender minority college students. LGBT health, 8(6), 433-438.
Hatton-Bowers, H., Lombardi, C. M., Kemp, B., Decker, K. B., Virmani, E. A., Brophy-Herb, H. E., & Vallotton, C. D. (2021). Risks and resources for college students’ mental health: ACEs, attachment, and mindfulness. Journal of American college health, 1-12.
Helminen, E. C., Scheer, J. R., Edwards, K. M., & Felver, J. C. (2022). Adverse childhood experiences exacerbate the association between day-to-day discrimination and mental health symptomatology in undergraduate students. Journal of affective disorders, 297, 338-347.
Hinojosa, R., Nguyen, J., Sellers, K., & Elassar, H. (2019). Barriers to college success among students that experienced adverse childhood events. Journal of American college health, 67(6), 531-540.
Hubel, G. S., Goodrum, N. M., & Sundstrom, B. L. (2021). Adverse childhood experiences and sexual health among young adults: Examining the roles of regulatory focus and patient activation. Children and Youth Services Review, 127, 106131.
Karatekin, C. (2018). Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), stress and mental health in college students. Stress and Health, 34(1), 36-45.
Karatekin, C., & Ahluwalia, R. (2021). What do undergraduates with high levels of childhood adversity want to cope with stress?. Journal of clinical psychology, 77(1), 211-240.
Krinner, L. M., Warren-Findlow, J., & Bowling, J. (2020). The association between childhood adversity and self-rated physical health in US college students. American Journal of Health Promotion, 34(8), 894-900.
Merians, A. N., Baker, M. R., Frazier, P., & Lust, K. (2019). Outcomes related to adverse childhood experiences in college students: Comparing latent class analysis and cumulative risk. Child Abuse & Neglect, 87, 51-64.
Moore, S. M., Welsh, M. C., & Peterson, E. (2021). Childhood maltreatment predicts physical health in college students. Journal of American college health, 1-10.
Otero, C. (2021). Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and timely Bachelor’s degree attainment. Social Sciences, 10(2), 44.
Pakdaman, S., Unger, J. B., Forster, M., Rogers, C. J., Sussman, S. Y., & Benjamin, S. M. (2021). Childhood trauma and prescription drug misuse in a college population. Substance use & misuse, 56(1), 140-144.
Schafer, E. S. (2021). Adverse childhood experiences and risky behaviors in male college students. Journal of American college health, 1-9.
Seon, J., Cho, H., Choi, G. Y., Son, E., Allen, J., Nelson, A., & Kwon, I. (2022). Adverse childhood experiences, intimate partner violence victimization, and self-perceived health and depression among college students. Journal of family violence, 37(4), 691-706.
Seon, J., Cho, H., Han, J. B., Allen, J., Nelson, A., & Kwon, I. (2022). Help-seeking behaviors among college students who have experienced intimate partner violence and childhood adversity. Journal of family violence, 1-10.
Smyth, J. M., Hockemeyer, J. R., Heron, K. E., Wonderlich, S. A., & Pennebaker, J. W. (2008). Prevalence, type, disclosure, and severity of adverse life events in college students. Journal of American College Health, 57(1), 69-76.
Sutton, T. E., Edwards, K. M., Siller, L., & Shorey, R. C. (2022). An exploration of factors that mediate the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and sexual assault victimization among LGBTQ+ college students. Child maltreatment, 27(4), 539-549.
Taylor, D. L., Espeleta, H. C., Kraft, J. D., & Grant, D. M. (2021). Early childhood experiences and cognitive risk factors for anxiety symptoms among college students. Journal of American college health, 69(3), 268-274.
Watt, T. T., Hartfield, K., Kim, S., & Ceballos, N. (2021). Adverse childhood experiences contribute to race/ethnic differences in post-secondary academic performance among college students. Journal of American College Health, 1-9.
Watt, T., Ceballos, N., Kim, S., Pan, X., & Sharma, S. (2020). The unique nature of depression and anxiety among college students with adverse childhood experiences. Journal of child & adolescent trauma, 13, 163-172.
Watt, T., Kim, S., Ceballos, N., & Norton, C. (2022). People who need people: the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and mental health among college students. Journal of American college health, 70(4), 1265-1273.
Windle, M., Haardörfer, R., Getachew, B., Shah, J., Payne, J., Pillai, D., & Berg, C. J. (2018). A multivariate analysis of adverse childhood experiences and health behaviors and outcomes among college students. Journal of American college health, 66(4), 246-251.
- Books
Schelbe, L. (2023). Some type of way. Oxford University Press.
Ecke, L., & Stenslie, M. (2009). Flux. Foster Care Alumni of America.
- Dissertations & Theses
Brown, N.O. (2017). An exploratory study: Foster care students’ knowledge of college campus support programs [Doctoral Dissertation, The University of Georgia].
Comer, T. (2024). Incarcerated to educated: The on-campus experiences of college students post incarceration. [Master’s thesis, Eastern Illinois University] Masters Theses, 5003.
Elsheikh, W. (2020). Third culture kids (TCKs) and their sense of belonging on U.S. college campuses. [Master’s Thesis, Oregon State University].Hail, T. (2019). Foster care alumni after college: A retrospective. [Doctoral dissertation, Oklahoma State University].
Hernandez, J. L. (2019). You are about to witness the strength of street knowledge: How formerly incarcerated Latinx/a/o students transfer their knowledge acquired through their lived experiences to find success in higher education and build resiliency [Master’s Thesis, California State University].
Hoffman, D. E. (2020). Experiences of College Students in Addiction Recovery: A Critical Case Study. [Doctoral dissertation, University of South Carolina].
Leptic, M. (2023). How Collegiate Recovery Programs and Social Identity Changes Influence African American Students: A Case Study [Doctoral dissertation, Northcentral University].
Lloyd, M. N. (2020). Centering equity for students with experience in foster care: Institutional gals and opportunities in the postsecondary educational landscape of Pennsylvania. [Doctoral dissertation, Point Park University].
Lord, K. V. (2022). From foster care to university: An ethnography of academic challenges. [Master’s thesis, Texas State University].
Tiller, L. (2023). Formation and sustainability of statewide networks of support for students experiencing foster care in higher education. [Unpublished dissertation]. The University of Georgia.Will, L. (2017). "What's up with Bubba?": A qualitative consideration of object meanings for foster alumni in college and recent foster alumni college graduates. [Doctoral dissertation, Oklahoma State University].
- Reports
Popplewell, P., Good, S.A., & Mahoney, M. (2022). Accessibility Barriers for Students with Disabilities Navigating Housing Insecurity. California Homeless Youth Project.
Aging Out Institute. (2018). Higher education foster youth programs 2018 review: A snapshot of services offered by colleges and universities to support foster youth.
California College Pathways. (2015). Charting the course: Using data to support foster youth college success.
Davis, N. S., Steiner, C. L., & Vaught, A. (2018). Foster youth success in college project. First Star Institute.
Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative. (2013). Cost Avoidance: The business case for investing in youth aging out of foster care. Annie E. Casey Foundation.
Feight, H., Bell, B., Conway, A., Turner, S., Naigus, N., & Powers, L. (2016). Helping Young Adults from Foster Care Succeed in College. Research and Training Center for Pathways to Positive Futures, Portland State University., M. (2013). Outline to improve the postsecondary educational outcomes of students from foster care. Foster Care to Success.
National Working Group on Foster Care and Education. (2018). Fostering success in education: National factsheet on the educational outcomes of children in foster care.
U.S. Accountability Office. (2016). Higher Education: Actions needed to improve access to federal finance assistance for homeless and foster youth. (GAO-16-343).
U.S. Department of Education. (2016). Foster care transition toolkit.
Wiegmann, W., Putnam-Hornstein, E., Barrat, V. X., Magruder, J., & Needell, B. (2014). The Invisible Achievement Gap Part 2: How the Foster Care Experiences of California Public School Students Are Associated with Their Education Outcomes. Stuart Foundation.
- Other Resources
Cost-Effectiveness Toolkit for Collegiate Recovery Programs by Sierra Castedo de Martell, MPH.
Food and Housing Security among UTEP students in 2021-2022: Obstacles to Academic Advancement.
2020 Food and Housing Security: Obstacles to academic advancement for UTEP student.Child Welfare for Educators Toolkit
Financial Aid Toolkit for Students
- Training and Certifications