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Research Round-Up

Research Round-Up is a communication devoted to sharing information related to open funding opportunities and research administration procedures.


For additional information on deadlines, processes and procedures, please instead see our Sponsored Programs Support Services webpage.


Friendly Reminder: Proposal Request Form 

Individuals serving as principal investigator on a CEHS-led proposal or co-investigator/collaborator on a grant proposal led by another college or external organization must submit a Proposal Request Form a minimum of 4 weeks prior to the proposal due date.  Doing so ensures the timely routing of your proposal for review and approval by College administration, Central Sponsored Programs Administration (formerly known as University Research Services), Grants & Contracts Financial Administration, and, if required, University Research Compliance.           


Please address any questions or concerns regarding the information contained below to the CEHS Sponsored Programs team: Kayley Watson (, Samar Abid (, or Erin Brown (

Tip of the Month

  • Cost Share Basics

    Cost Share can be found in the Code of Federal Regulations in the following areas:


    • CFR 2 Part 200.29
    • CFR 2 Part 200.306


    CFR Definition of cost share: Cost sharing or matching means the portion of project costs not paid by Federal funds or contributions (unless otherwise authorized by Federal statute)


    Matching: A percentage or dollar equivalency

                                 Example: 1:1 match; $100 from sponsor & $100 OSU match


    In-Kind: Non-cash contributions by a third party

    Example: third party entity volunteering their time, facility, or other resources


    Committed cost share: Quantified Cost Share (either mandatory or voluntary) that is an obligation that must be fulfilled


    Voluntary committed cost share: Cost share that is included voluntarily (not required by the sponsor) in the budget/budget justification


    Mandatory/Involuntary committed cost share: Cost share that is required by the sponsor as a condition of the award in the budget/budget/justification


    Click here to read more about Cost-Sharing on Sponsored Projects.



    • Inform our office about your proposal involving cost share as soon as possible but NO LATER THAN 1 month before the application submission deadline. All cost-share must be approved by your department head.



For Your Information



Funding Opportunities

  • LIMITED SUBMISSION: The Mathers Foundation - Fall 2024


    Internal Submission DEADLINE: August 12, 2024

    Funding Organization's DEADLINE: October 4, 2024


    • The Foundation primarily supports basic science, ideally with potential translational applications. 
    • Examples of current research areas we support include immunology, microbiome, structural biology, cellular physiology, cancer biology, genetics, genomics, microbiology and infectious diseases, stem cell biology, and neuroscience. 
    • Research areas we will not consider for support include Covid-19 related research projects (aims or sub-aims), Plant Biology Research, Oceanography, Space Exploration. and Global Warming related research. In addition, medical imaging technology related projects and/or electrical engineering technology development projects will not be considered for support. 
    • The Foundation does not support research conducted in human subjects and will not fund requests for clinical trials or drug discovery. The Foundation will not support research projects which we consider pre-clinical drug development. 
    • Renewal applications for the same or related research will not be accorded priority consideration. It is strongly advised that any re-application for grant renewal consider a new direction based on prior research or emphasize some new potential translational aspects and not merely an extension of previously funded research. 
    • Requests for funding previously federally supported research and/or applications pending federal approval will not be accorded priority consideration.
    • In general, the Mathers Foundation reviewers look for innovative, novel proposals, which have scientific merit with an established published proof of concept, and which may not be fundable at the federal level.  
    • Currently, we do not offer advice about proposed project ideas or screen LOIs before they are submitted.  The Mathers Board believes that the information on the website provides sufficient guidance for a wide variety of research projects that could be considered for support. 


    Internal Selection Process


    The OSU Division of the Vice President for Research has established an internal review process to select the OSU applicant(s). Applications will be reviewed according to the sponsor's selection criteria. Consideration will also be given to OSU institutional strengths and strategic directions.

    Potential applicants must submit, using the "Submit to Internal Competition" button to the right, the following information:

    1. A brief CV or Biosketch (up to three pages); and
      2. A brief description of the proposed project (no more than three single-spaced pages in length, one inch page margins, and font size no smaller than eleven point)
    2. Estimated budget (up to one additional page in length).
      4. Additional pages may be added for references.

    The above materials must be submitted no later than 11:59 PM on Monday, August 12, 2024. The selected applicants will be asked to complete the LOI package in accordance with the sponsor's deadline of October 4, 2024.

  •  LIMITED SUBMISSION: NSF: Major Research Instrumentation Program (MRI) 2025


    For more information:


    Internal Submission DEADLINE: August 5, 2024

    Funding Organization's DEADLINE: October 15, 2024 – 11/15/2024


    The Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) Program (MRI Program Website) serves to increase access to multi-user scientific and engineering instrumentation for research and research training in our Nation's institutions of higher education and not-for-profit scientific/engineering research organizations. An MRI award supports the acquisition of a multi-user research instrument that is commercially available through direct purchase from a vendor, or for the personnel costs and equipment that are required for the development of an instrument with new capabilities, thereby advancing instrumentation capabilities and enhancing expertise for instrument design and fabrication at academic institutions. MRI instruments are, in general, too costly and/or not appropriate for support through other NSF programs.

    MRI provides support to acquire critical research instrumentation without which advances in fundamental science and engineering research may not otherwise occur. MRI also provides support to obtain next-generation research instruments by developing instruments with new capabilities that open new opportunities to advance the frontiers in science and engineering research. Additionally, an MRI award is expected to enhance research training of students who will become the next generation of instrument users, designers and builders.


    Internal Selection Process


    Internal Application Requirements:


    The pre-application should include the following:

    1. Draft Budget (Does not count toward 3 page limit):

    Budget for salaries and wages, fringe benefits, instrumentation, cost share, etc.

    1. Cover page (does not count toward 3-page limit) that includes:
    • Title
    • Track (Track I or Track 3)
    • Acquisition or Development Proposal
    • List of all Key Personnel
    1. Narrative (no more than 3 pages) that includes:
    • Intellectual merit
    • Broader impacts
    • The extent to which the proposed project will make a substantial improvement in the organization’s capabilities to conduct leading-edge research, to provide research experiences for undergraduate students using leading-edge capabilities, and to broaden the participation in science and engineering research (especially as lead PIs) by women, underrepresented minorities, persons with disabilities and/or early-career investigators.
    • A description of any space requirements or other university resources that may be associated with the proposed project

    For ACQUISITION proposals, the following is required:

    • The extent to which the instrument is used for multi-user, shared-use research and/or research training.
    • For instrument acquisition proposals of $1 million or above, the potential impact of the instrument on the research community of interest at the regional or national level, if appropriate.

    For DEVELOPMENT proposals, the following is required:

    • The need for development of a new instrument. Will the proposed instrument enable enhanced performance over existing instruments, or new types of measurement or information gathering? Is there a strong need for the new instrument in the larger user community to advance new frontiers of research?
    • The availability of appropriate technical expertise to design and construct the instrument.

    If selected to submit a full proposal, PIs must ensure that proposals meet all requirements stated in the RFP, in the announcement, and in the implementing laws and regulations related to this grant program.

    Key Submission Dates:

    8/5/2024 at 11:59 PM – Internal pre-applications due

    10/15/2024 through 11/15/2024 – Full proposal due to NSF.

  • LIMITED SUBMISSION: NSF: Accelerating Research Translation (ART)


    Internal Submission DEADLINE: July 30, 2024

    Funding Organization's DEADLINE: September 18, 2024


    The National Science Foundation (NSF) seeks to increase the scale and pace of advancing discoveries made while conducting academic research into tangible solutions that benefit the public. This is the primary aim of the "Accelerating Research Translation" (ART) program. Specifically, the primary goals of this program are to build capacity and infrastructure for translational research at U.S. Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) and to enhance their role in regional innovation ecosystems. In addition, this program seeks to effectively train graduate students and postdoctoral researchers in translational research, benefiting them across a range of career options.

    A particular intent of ART is to support IHEs that want to build the necessary infrastructure to boost the overall institutional capacity to accelerate the pace and scale of translation of fundamental research outcomes into practice by supporting the development of a range of activities essential for this activity. The ART program is not intended to support IHEs that already have high levels of translational research activity as part of their R&D enterprise (as noted by their number of invention disclosures, patents issued, start-ups, licenses/options, revenue from royalties, the overall volume of industry-funded research, broad adoption of research outputs by communities or constituents, etc.). Such institutions are encouraged to become part of the ART network as valuable collaborators, providing expertise in building the necessary infrastructure for translational research at other IHEs responding to this solicitation. The ART program is also not intended as a resource for conducting additional fundamental research. See sections II and VI of this solicitation for additional information.

    This solicitation seeks proposals that enable IHE-based teams to propose a blend of: (1) activities that will help build and/or strengthen the institutional infrastructure to sustainably grow the institutional capacity for research translation in the short and long terms; (2) educational/training opportunities, especially for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers, to become entrepreneurs and/or seek use-inspired and/or translational research-oriented careers in the public and/or private sectors; and (3) specific, translational research activities that offer immediate opportunities for transition to practice to create economic and/or societal impact. The funded teams will form a nationwide network of 'ART Ambassadors' who will champion the cause of translational research.

    Internal Selection Process

    The OSU Division of the Vice President for Research has established an internal review process to select the OSU applicant(s). Applications will be reviewed according to the sponsor's selection criteria. Consideration will also be given to OSU institutional strengths and strategic directions.

    Potential applicants must submit, using the "Submit to Internal Competition" button to the right, the following information:

    1. A brief CV or Biosketch (up to three pages); and
    2. A brief description of the proposed project (no more than three single-spaced pages in length, one inch page margins, and font size no smaller than eleven point) addressing the following criteria.
    3. Estimated budget (up to one additional page in length).
    4. Additional pages may be added for references.

    The above materials must be submitted no later than 11:59 PM on Tuesday, July 30, 2024. The selected applicants will be asked to complete the pre-application package in accordance with the sponsor's deadline. 

  • [USDA] Agriculture and Food Research Initiative, Competitive Grants Program: Education and Workforce Development



    1. Professional Development for Agricultural Literacy: September 12, 2024
    2. Agricultural Workforce Training at Community Colleges: September 19, 2024
    3. Food and Agricultural Non-formal Education: December 5, 2024
    4. Research and Extension Experiences for Undergraduates: August 15, 2024
    5. Predoctoral Fellowships: October 24, 2024
    6. Postdoctoral Fellowships: September 5, 2024


    Program Area Description

    The AFRI EWD Program Area RFA addresses projected shortfalls of qualified graduates in the agricultural, food, and renewable natural resources sectors of the U.S. economy (Employment Opportunities for College Graduates). This RFA seeks applications for education and training grants that focus on further enhancing the distinct components of the pipeline for developing the workforce in the food and agricultural sciences. The AFRI EWD Program Area has four overarching goals:

    1. Growing Agricultural Literacy and Workforce Development for the Future offers institutional grants to provide K-14 teachers and administrators with increased knowledge of the food and agricultural sciences and help them develop improved curricula to train the agricultural workforce for the future. See Part I C.1 “Professional Development for Agricultural Literacy” (Program Code A7501).
    2. Training or Retraining of Agricultural Workers provides institutional training grants to develop a technology- and data-savvy workforce ready for the field and industrial jobs. See Part I  C.2 for “Agricultural Workforce Training Grants at Community Colleges” (Program Code A7601).
    3. Developing Pathways provides formal or non-formal education experiential learning for students to enter or gain skills applicable to the food and agriculture fields. This RFA seeks to support the development of non-formal education activities that cultivate interest and build public confidence in the safe and enhanced use of technology in food and agricultural sciences. See Part I C.3 for “Food and Agricultural Non-formal Education” (Program Code A7801). This RFA also offers grants that propose formal experiential learning for undergraduates in food, agriculture, or allied disciplines and helps them learn the technical and leadership skills required for employment in the food and agricultural sectors or in graduate programs. See Part I  C.4 for “Research and Extension Experiences for Undergraduates” (Program Code A7401). 
    4. Advancing Science supports graduate and post-graduate education in food and agriculture disciplines. See Part I C.5 and Part I  C.6 for “Predoctoral Fellowships” (Program Code A7101) and “Postdoctoral Fellowships” (Program Code A7201), respectively.


  • 2024 Oklahoma Early Childhood Research Symposium Call for Posters


    The Oklahoma Partnership for School Readiness Foundation is accepting poster abstract submissions for the 2024 Oklahoma Early Childhood Research Symposium. Research should focus on quality childcare and education in Oklahoma and the U.S. Submissions (250-500 words) may include preliminary results, completed studies, and summaries of relevant published research.


    Awards will be given for the top three posters, diversity inclusiveness, and people's choice.


    Important Dates:

    Abstract submissions deadline: August 11, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.

    Submit to: Brittany Zaring-Hinkle OPSR Director of Research   

    Acceptance & Invitation letter: August 19, 2024

    Poster presentation: September 23, 2024 from 3:30 - 5:00 p.m.


    Oklahoma Early Childhood Research Symposium

    September 23 - 24, 2024

    Metro Tech Springlake, Oklahoma City, OK


    For more information, go to:  I (405) 429-4219

  • [Institute of Education Sciences (IES)] National Center for Education Research (NCER) & National Center for Special Education Research (NCSER)


    DEADLINE:  September 12, 2024


    NCER Competitions

    Education Research Grants Program (ALN 84.305A).  Under this competition, NCER will consider only applications that address one of the following topics:

    • Career and Technical Education.
    • Civics Education and Social Studies.
    • Cognition and Student Learning.
    • Early Learning Programs and Policies.
    • English Learner Policies, Programs, and Practices.
    • Improving Education Systems: Policies, Finance, Organization, Management, and Leadership.
    • Literacy.
    • Postsecondary and Adult Education.
    • Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education.
    • Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Context for Teaching and Learning.
    • Teaching, Teachers, and the Education Workforce.

    Statistical and Research Methodology in the Education Sciences (ALN 84.305D). Under this competition, NCER will consider applications that address one of the following topics:

    • Core Grants (which supports the development of new and improved statistical and research methods and their dissemination to education researchers).
    • Toolkits, Guidelines, Compendia, Review Papers, and Curated Data Resources.


    NCSER Competitions

    Special Education Research Grants Program (ALN 84.324A). Under this competition, NCSER will consider only applications that address the following topic:

    • Education Systems.

    Research Training Programs in Special Education (ALN 84.324B). Under this competition, NCSER will consider only applications that address the following topic:

    • Early Career Development and Mentoring.
  • [American Heart Association] All Currently Open Funding Opportunities

    AHA Funding Programs with Open Deadlines
    Below are the AHA research programs with open deadlines. Please see each program’s web page for specifics. Before beginning an application, review the eligibility and requirements that apply to all AHA research awards on the AHA Application Resources page.

    AHA Predoctoral Fellowship
    Proposal deadline: Wednesday, September 4, 2024
    Enhances the training of promising students in pre-doctoral or clinical health professional degree training programs and who intend careers as scientists, physician-scientists or other clinician-scientists, or related careers aimed at improving global health and wellbeing.

    Within this award, additional collaboration money has been designated through the AHA/CHF Congenital Heart Defect Research AwardsAutism Speaks, and by the  Barth Syndrome Foundation and  California Walnut Commission.

    AHA Postdoctoral Fellowship
    Proposal deadline: Thursday, September 5, 2024
    Enhances the training of postdoctoral applicants who are not yet independent. The applicant must be embedded in an appropriate investigative group with the mentorship, support, and relevant scientific guidance of a research mentor.

    Within this award, additional collaboration money has been designated through the AHA/CHF Congenital Heart Defect Research AwardsAutism Speaks, and  AHA/VIVA Physician Research Award and by the Barth Syndrome Foundation and  California Walnut Commission

    AHA Institutional Research Enhancement Award (AIREA)
    Proposal deadline: Thursday, September 12, 2024
    Stimulates research at educational institutions that provide baccalaureate or advanced degrees related to scientific research training. Eligible institutions may not have been major recipients of NIH support. Awards provide funding for small-scale research projects related to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular topics, enhancing the research environment at eligible institutions, and exposing students to research opportunities.

    Career Development Award
    Proposal deadline: Wednesday, December 5, 2024
    Supports highly promising healthcare and academic professionals in the early years of first professional appointment to assure the applicant’s future success as a research scientist in the field of cardiovascular and/or cerebrovascular disease research.

    Within this award, additional collaboration money has been designated through the California Walnut Commission, the  Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research (FAER), and the  AHA/VIVA Physician Research Award.

    Research Supplement to Promote Diversity in Science
    Proposal deadline: Thursday, February 6, 2025
    To enable current AHA awardees to identify and serve as mentors for predoctoral and postdoctoral fellows from underrepresented groups in science and medicine. 
  • [American Society of Interior Designers] Irene Winifred Eno Grant


    DEADLINE: August 15, 2024


    Award amount: $5,000 

    The Irene Winifred Eno Grant provides financial assistance to individuals or groups developing an educational program(s) or project that is dedicated to health, safety, and welfare. This grant is open to students, educators, interior design practitioners, institutions, and an interior design-related group, educational program(s), or project dedicated to health, safety, and welfare. Submissions will be evaluated based on the strength of the project proposal, budget, promotion plan, and expected outcome. This grant is made possible by the generous support of the Irene Winifred Eno Fund.

    Refer to the RFP for additional details and submission requirements.

  • [Department of Defense] Autism, Career Development Award


    DEADLINE: August 15, 2024


    The FY24 ARP Career Development Award supports early-career, independent investigators and/or the transition of established investigators from other research fields to conduct innovative, high-impact ideas or early-phase, proof-of-principle clinical trials with the potential to have a major impact on ASD. Applications are strongly encouraged to address one of the FY24 ARP Career Development Award Areas of Interest or provide justification that the proposed research addresses a critical problem, question, or need in ASD.

  • [Mental Research Institute] Small Grants to explore and support the development of innovative interactional, systemic approaches to understanding and improving human relationships

    This grant requires a 501c3 status; please consult with Everett Miller at the OSU Foundation ( if you are interested in applying for this grant.



    The Mental Research Institute provides small grants to fund breakthrough research projects that use an interactional approach to facilitate healthy relationships. Before applying, please insure that your research project is aligned with MRI’s mission “to explore and support the development of innovative interactional, systemic approaches to understanding and improving human relationships.”

    Funding from MRI will range up to $75K based on the availability of funds and the scope of the project. Small grants, up to $5K, will be considered for graduate students for their doctoral dissertation project related research. Such projects must have been approved by their dissertation/project committee.


    DEADLINE: Proposals are normally reviewed on a rolling monthly basis.

  • [Robert Wood Johnson Foundation] Pioneering Ideas: Exploring the Future to Build a Culture of Health


    Pioneering Ideas: Exploring the Future to Build a Culture of Health welcomes proposals that are primed to influence health equity in the future. We seek ideas that address any of RWJF’s Pioneering Ideas for an Equitable Future team’s four current areas of focus described below: 1) Future of Evidence; 2) Future of Social Interaction; 3) Future of Food; and 4) Future of Work. Additionally, under Open Exploration, also described below, this call for proposals seeks ideas that might fall outside of these four focus areas but which offer unique approaches to advancing health equity and our progress toward a Culture of Health.


    DEADLINE:  Proposals will be accepted throughout the year on a rolling admission.

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