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Information for Undergraduate Students


All College of Education and Human Sciences freshmen, sophomores and transfer students are advised by the nutritional sciences advisor in the Patricia Kain Knaub Center for Student Success. Juniors and seniors are assigned to an academic advisor in the Department of Nutritional Sciences. Students should become familiar with using the STAR system to schedule appointments with the advisor and to access advising documents. All dietetics students (or students who are interested in the degree) are welcome to make an appointment with the Didactic Program in Dietetics director. Schedule an appointment by emailing or call 405-744-7469. Please include information about possible times to meet that work with your schedule.




College of Education and Human Sciences technology support and labs



Online courses and computer resources for on-campus courses are delivered through Canvas. The Didactic Program in Dietetics director maintains a Canvas community for the DPD.


Enroll in the Canvas community


NSCI 3440 Preprofessional Experience

Dietetics students are required to take one credit hour of NSCI 3440. Students will job-shadow, work or volunteer for 40 hours anywhere in the world and complete paperwork including a paper to earn one credit hour. Many students take this course between the junior and senior years. The course is online so that students do not have to be on campus to complete requirements. The instructor has set up a Canvas Community (3440 Community) to provide guidance well in advance of the experience.


This experience calls for professionalism, including appropriate dress and appearance and confidentiality, plus current immunization records. Students will usually need a current TB test and might be asked for additional records such as a background check or drug test, depending on the site and the length of the experience.


Requesting Recommendations from Faculty Members

If you need recommendations for scholarships, dietetic internship applications or jobs, please give the faculty member as much lead time as possible. The faculty member may ask for your resume and/or a personal statement to aid them in writing the recommendation. Please provide information, including contact information for the opportunity. Think “what information does this person need in order to write a strong, relevant recommendation for me?” Ask someone who knows you well enough to provide a STRONG recommendation. Talk to faculty members so that you aren’t just a face in the crowd. Undergraduate research opportunities are excellent opportunities for working with faculty, building positive relationships and enriching your education.


Nutritional Sciences Club

The Nutritional Sciences Club provides networking and leadership opportunities and promotes nutrition on campus. The club meets on the first Thursday of the month at 5:30 p.m.


Learn more


Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

On January 1, 2012, the American Dietetic Association became the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.


Students are encouraged to join the Academy. Membership gives access to many benefits, including exclusive information from the Student Member Web section and the Student Scoop, the Evidence Analysis Library, Daily News, Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, free membership in the Oklahoma Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics or the state affiliate of their choice and scholarship opportunities.


If you are a junior and are interested in serving as the liaison between the DPD and Academy Student Council, please let the DPD director know. There is also an opportunity to serve at the national level as a member of the Student Council Advisory Council which involves an application process.


Oklahoma Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

The Oklahoma Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (OkAND) provides educational experiences through statewide meetings such as the two-day Spring Convention. Student members will be e-mailed about opportunities to volunteer at the convention. One OSU DPD student will represent the program on the board of the Oklahoma Student Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Board (OSAND). This person is appointed in the spring. Contact the DPD Director if you are interested. Your OkAND membership is free if you belong to the Academy, and you may apply for OkAND scholarships. Scholarships are presented at the Spring Convention.


Outstanding Dietetic Student Award 

Each January, the Department of Nutritional Sciences faculty nominates a senior for the Oklahoma Outstanding Dietetic Student in a DPD Award through the Oklahoma Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The OkAND Member Services Committee selects an award winner from the DPD applicants, and this person is recognized at the Spring Convention and in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 


North Central District Dietetic Association

The North Central District Dietetic Association (NCDDA) meets four times a year on the second Tuesday in February, June or July, September and November. The meetings are held in Stillwater, Enid, Red Rock or Ponca City. This is an opportunity to network with area dietitians. Student dues are $5 per year. NCDDA provides a $500 scholarship each year (preference to students from the district's geographical area or OSU). Apply using the OkAND scholarship form.


Nutritional Sciences Specialist at the OSU Library

The OSU librarian assigned to the Department of Nutritional Sciences is Adam Stroud. As the librarian most familiar with nutritional sciences related library holdings, he can direct you toward credible library resources.


Career Services


OSU Career Services

College of Education and Human Sciences Career Development


Undergraduate Research Opportunities

There are many ways for undergraduate students to participate in meaningful and impactful research opportunities with nutritional sciences faculty.


Learn more


OSU Service-Learning Volunteer Center

Learn about volunteer opportunities through the Service-Learning Volunteer Center. You may record your volunteer hours (individual and group) through CampusLink and develop a volunteer portfolio, which will help you when applying for dietetic internships.



You will receive regular communications from Catherine Palmer, DPD director; Mary Hammack, Department of Nutritional Sciences administrative support specialist, your instructors and advisor via email. Be sure to read and respond to these as needed. Flyers of interest to students are also posted on the bulletin board outside of 301 Human Sciences and information is posted in the Canvas Community for DPD students.


Important Dates

  • Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD) students follow the OSU academic calendar.
  • Computer matching dates, including deadlines (usually Sept. 25 or Feb. 15) and notification dates can be found here.
  • Dietetic Internship Centralized Application Service (DICAS) deadlines can be found here and on individual Dietetic Internship websites.
  • OSU Dietetic Internship Pre-Select option deadline, typically right before winter break, can be found here.
  • Nutritional Sciences Club meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month during the academic year.
  • Scholarship applications for the College of Education and Human Sciences are typically due in early January.
  • Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics scholarship applications are due in March.
  • Oklahoma Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Fall Symposium and Spring Convention dates are announced here.
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