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Prospective Students

Limited Admission

Admission into the professional pilot option is for fall only, requires a secondary admissions application and is limited to 85 new students per academic year.


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Flight Costs

Flight costs are in addition to annual undergraduate tuition and fees and are subject to change.


OSU cost and aid information

OSU estimated flight costs


Medical Requirements

OSU requires students to obtain at least a third-class medical certificate before getting in an aircraft. We recommend you get this before arriving on campus.


How to obtain a medical certificate

Frequently asked questions


Although any class (first, second or third) of medical certificate will suffice, third-class is recommended. Generally, first-class is designed for the airline transport pilot, second-class is designed for the commercial pilot and third-class is designed for the student, recreational or private pilot. If you plan to become a professional pilot, you may consider obtaining the first-class medical certificate. Inform the Aviation Medical Examiner (AME) that the medical certificate will also serve as a student pilot certificate.


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Frequently Asked Questions


  • Is the OSU Flight program FAA Part 141 approved?

    Yes. Most flight training at OSU is conducted under Part 141, though some training is conducted under Part 61 when it better meets the needs of students.

  • Is the OSU Aviation Program accredited?

    OSU Aviation is a member of the University of Aviation Association (UAA).

  • What FAA certificates and ratings are required for the professional pilot degree option?

    A private certificate with single engine land rating, a commercial certificate with single engine, multiengine and instrument ratings and a certified flight instructor certificate are required.

  • How much does the professional pilot degree option cost?

    A typical total for flight costs and related fees is estimated at $69,025. This total is subject to change without notice based on the student's progression, changing fuel costs, etc. All flight costs are in addition to annual undergraduate tuition and fees. Program costs are very favorable in comparison to other collegiate flight programs. Curriculum allows some flight time to “roll forward” into the next course to meet flight time requirements, ultimately reducing total accrued flight time and related expense.


    OSU cost and aid information

    OSU estimated flight costs

  • Does OSU use a proprietary flight training curriculum?

    Yes. OSU flight courses use a curriculum called the Commercial Pilot Certification Curriculum (CPCC), which has been tailored to meet the needs of a collegiate flight program. It emphasizes real-world IFR and multiengine operations, and has been strongly influenced by research conducted on the strengths and weaknesses of entry-level pilots.

  • What is the purpose of the required secondary application for Professional Pilot students?

    Admission into the professional pilot option at Oklahoma State University requires submission of a secondary application to be considered for the program. Students are evaluated on (1) high school core course Grade Point Average (GPA); (2) college readiness examination scores from either an official ACT or SAT test score; and (3) flight experience. Flight experience is defined as an initial solo flight or beyond completed by the student. Secondary applications are open July 1 and must be complete and submitted by November 1 annually for full considered into the program.

  • Does OSU issue credit for flight training already completed?

    Yes. Students who enroll in the OSU aviation program with a completed private pilot certificate receive eight credit hours through our “advanced standing” program. Students entering the OSU program with a certificate/rating partially complete are eligible for flight hour credit towards the completion of that certificate or rating, subject to certain FAA limitations (FAR 141.77).

  • What do I need to know about the ATP and R-ATP designations?

    Only airline pilots need an Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) certificate. To help bridge the gap for aspiring airline pilots, the FAA has created an intermediate level of certificated called the Restricted Privilege ATP (R-ATP), and graduates of an FAA-approved program are eligible for it at reduced flight times. OSU is proud to have received this FAA approval to help ensure R-ATP eligibility for students.


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  • Does OSU have a training/hiring agreement with any airlines?

    Yes, we continue to cultivate professional partnerships that benefit our students, including:


    • The OSU-Envoy Airlines pipeline program, which gives students early access to employment options while still pursuing their degree at OSU.
    • The Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) partnership and Aviation Collegiate Education (ACE) Club distinction, which gives our students direct access to major airline pilots through a formal mentorship program. 
    • PSA Airlines Cadet Program, which gives our students a direct path to American Airlines. 
    • The Destination 225 – Southwest Airlines program which gives our students a path to Southwest Airlines.
  • Will I get to fly during my first year in the Professional Pilot Program?
    While we do not guarantee any students the opportunity to fly during a specific semester, freshman aviation students may have the chance to begin flying during their first year at Oklahoma State University. OSU is committed to offering consistency in flight times for students to support retention of learning and skill performance. New flight lab sections open every eight weeks, and students will be granted the opportunity to enroll once they are able to be scheduled for flight training three times a week. In other words, if you don’t begin the semester enrolled in a flight lab, you may have the opportunity to enroll later in the semester as consistent, continuous flight times become available. A student’s place in the flight training queue and accompanying enrollment priority for each flight lab is based on the student's progress toward degree completion and is coordinated collaboratively by the OSU Flight Center staff and the College of Education and Human Sciences academic advising team. For example, a sophomore student needing to enroll in the instrument flight lab will have priority over a freshman student who is ready to enroll in the same lab. 
  • Can OSU students fly during the summer?

    Yes, and they are encouraged to do so. The OSU Flight Center hours remain unchanged during the summer months and long days and predictable weather allow summer students to make rapid progress.

  • Can students who are not professional pilot majors earn a pilot license at OSU?

    Generally, no. Only professional pilot students can take flight lab courses in order to earn a pilot's license at OSU. However, there are exceptions for those with VA benefits. Please email for more information.