Oklahoma State University is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator
Preparation (CAEP) as of 2022. Our state accrediting body is the Office of Educational Quality and Accountability
(OEQA), which reviews our educator preparation program (EPP) in tandem with national accreditors,
also assessing state-level requirements. Oklahoma State University provides annual
reporting data to both entities.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What does it mean to receive CAEP accreditation?
Oklahoma State University has earned national accreditation by demonstrating excellence in the areas of content and pedagogy, clinical partnerships and practice, candidate recruitment, progression, support, program impact and quality assurance and continuous improvement from the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). Oklahoma State University is accreditated based on the CAEP standards. CAEP is a CHEA recognized accreditor for educator preparation.
How does Oklahoma State University assess impact on P-12 learners (CAEP Standard 4.1)?
The Oklahoma Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (OACTE) was awarded a State Chapter Support Grant (SCSG) from the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education for 2017-2018. Through this grant we determined what data would be accessible from our P-12 partner school districts around the state which employ a significant portion of our program completers in their early careers. We met with multiple regions’ superintendents and determined the data that school districts report having available. We then compared regional data at the state level in order to determine availability of data for Standard 4.1, as well as the best means of obtaining this data directly from our completers’ employers.
Because of the above grant work, we receive STAR and iStation Data from a partner district:
We also have Teacher Leader Effectiveness data for advance program completers. There are a variety of these formats, all below.
Tulsa SL Path/Sch Psych 2018-2023
Finally, impact on student learning case studies, while delayed by COVID-19, were conducted in Spring 2021.
- How does Oklahoma State University assess teaching effectiveness (former years’ data
for the prior 4.2 standard)?
Oklahoma State University, through a Data Governance Council made up of Educator Preparation Professionals in concert with OEQA and the Oklahoma State Dept. of Education, have made Teacher and Leader Effectiveness (TLE) assessment data available to universities in order to determine and verify our program completers’ success in the field, as well as identify opportunities for improvement in the preparation of current and future candidates. There are a few measures for this, but the two most common assessments for which we have a large enough sample size to provide results publicly are the Tulsa Teacher Model and the Marzano Teacher Evaluation attached below.
- 2017-2018 Marzano Teacher Evaluation
- 2017-2018 Tulsa Model Teacher Evaluation
- 2018-2019 Marzano Teacher Evaluation
- 2018-2019 Tulsa Model Teacher Evaluation
- 2019-2020 (Data not collected due to COVID-19 pandemic)
- 2020-2021 Marzano Teacher Evaluation
- 2020-2021 Tulsa Model Teacher Evaluation
- 2021-2022 Marzano Teacher Evaluation
- 2021-2022 Tulsa Model Teacher Evaluation
- 2022-2023 Marzano Teacher Evaluation
- 2022-2023 Tulsa Model Teacher Evaluation
Does Oklahoma State University gather feedback from employers (CAEP Standard R4.2
and Advanced Program Standard 4.1)?
Yes, we do this in multiple ways. Every year the Professional Education office hosts the annual Professional Education Advisory Board meeting for which stakeholders are invited to campus in order to offer important feedback to faculty. At this meeting superintendents, principals (who also employ many of our graduates in addition to hosting them for field experiences and internships), mentor teachers, recent graduates, etc. come together to discuss the program in depth. Each program’s group advises faculty on strengths that should be nourished and opportunities for improvement. This feedback is then discussed and utilized by the full program faculty group to inform their respective continuous improvement processes.
We also survey all Oklahoma public school employers of our recent graduates to gather feedback. This survey data is provided through the Oklahoma Data Governance Council annually. Either the supervising principal or the recent graduate’s mentor completes this survey.
- 2017-2018 Mentor/Administrator Survey
- 2018-2019 Mentor/Administrator Survey
- 2019-2020 Mentor/Administrator Survey
- 2020-2021 Mentor/Administration Survey
- 2021-2022 Mentor/Administration Survey
- 2022-23 Mentor/Administration Survey (Data expected to be updated July 2024)
Finally, advanced programs have begun conducting focus groups annually, alternating between completers on odd years and employers on even years. These data are too detailed to post, but they are provided in the SSR as part of our suite of evidence for advanced program areas.
Does OSU gather feedback from program completers (CAEP Standard R4.3 and Advanced
Standard 4.2)?
Yes, as noted above, program completers typically participate in the annual advisory group meeting. We also analyze results of the First Year Teacher Survey provided by the Data Governance Council to inform programs’ and the EPP’s continuous improvement.
- 2017-2018 First Year Teacher Survey
- 2018-2019 First Year Teacher Survey
- 2019-2020 First Year Teacher Survey
- 2020-2021 First Year Teacher Survey
- 2021-2022 First Year Teacher Survey
- 2022-2023 First Year Teacher Survey *not available due to absence of state data
Finally, advanced programs have begun conducting focus groups annually, alternating between completers on odd years and employers on even years. These data are too detailed to post, but they are provided in the SSR as part of our suite of evidence for advanced program areas.
Does Oklahoma State University track graduation rates?
2019 Report Year Data
When figured at six years from matriculation (when a student begins at the institution), the graduation rate for initial certification programs is 83 percent who earn a bachelor’s degree within that timeframe. Using the same calculation for advanced program areas, the graduation rate was 78.7 %. Most of our graduate students work full-time, thus a portion of our students may take longer to earn their degree.
The six year graduation rate of those earning the specific degree they sought at the bachelor’s level is 63.8 percent, while the same calculation for graduate level candidates was 77% percent.
2020 Reporting Year Data
When figured at six years from matriculation (when a student begins at the institution), the graduation rate for initial certification programs is 81.2 percent who earn a bachelor’s degree within that timeframe. Using the same calculation for advanced program areas (calculated at 6 years for master’s and 9 years for doctorate), the graduation rate was 71.4%. Most of our graduate students work full-time, thus a portion of our students may take longer to earn their degree.
The six year graduation rate of those earning the specific degree they sought at the bachelor’s level is 68.8 percent. For graduate students, those earning the specific degree they pursued as they matriculated remains 71.4% as graduate students seldom (and in this case none did) change majors.
2021 Reporting Year Data
When figured at six years from matriculation (when a student begins at the institution), the graduation rate for initial certification programs is 85.4% who earn a bachelor’s degree within that timeframe. Using the same calculation for advanced program areas (calculated at 6 years for master’s and 9 years for doctorate), the graduation rate was 74.5%. Most of our graduate students work full-time, thus a portion of our students may take longer to earn their degree.
The six year graduation rate of those earning the specific degree they sought at the bachelor’s level is 71.2%. For graduate students, those earning the specific degree they pursued as they matriculated remains 74.5% as graduate students seldom (and in this case none did) change majors.
How does Oklahoma State University assess candidates’ ability to certify upon completing
the program?
We have multiple points of data on this, a large portion of which is captured in our annual Title II report below. However, we also offer all certification exam results for convenience and maximum transparency. Scores vary based on sample size (and those with fewer than 6 examinees may not be reported for privacy reasons). The OGET is required for admission to Professional Education, and the OSAT must be taken prior to the internship. The PPAT performance assessment is taken during the internship, the culminating experience for an initial certification educator candidate prior to program completion. Advanced certification candidates take the appropriate exams during their program prior to completion (exam timeline is detailed on each program’s certification check sheet at the initial and advanced levels).
- 2019 Title II Report on AY 2017-2018
- 2020 Title II Report on AY 2018-2019
- 2021 Title II Report on AY 2019-2020
- 2022 Title II Repot on AY 2020-2021
- 2023 Title II Report on AY 2021-2022
- 2018-2019 Average Certification Exam Scores
- 2019-2020 Average Certification Exam Scores
- 2020-2021 Average Certification Exam Scores
- 2021-2022 Average Certification Exam Scores
- 2022-2023 Average Certification Exam Scores
What is the likelihood for completers to be hired in education positions for which
they have been prepared (initial and advanced)?
The Oklahoma State School Board Association (OSSBA, 2022) reported 1,019 teaching vacancies as of August 2022. Further, 4,405 emergency certifications have been issued for the 2022-2023 academic year as of March of 2023, a new record for the state for this temporary certificate only provided at administrator request when the school does not have a certified applicant. The intensity of the teacher shortage is felt in Oklahoma’s rural, urban, and suburban districts alike. There is an incredible need for teachers and specialists at advanced levels in all areas in the state of Oklahoma. The Oklahoma SDE Supply & Demand Study is available here. As evidenced in the report, all certification areas are in great need, initial and advanced.
Oklahoma State University’s completers have ample employment opportunities in their fields of study across the U.S. and beyond, however. In addition to Oklahoma-based employers, our graduates are actively sought by districts in Texas, California, Colorado, New Mexico, Arkansas, Kansas, with employers from each of these states attending the Educator Job Fair. Further, we offer internship (“student teaching”) opportunities abroad and we have also had completers who were recruited and accepted employment teaching in Costa Rica, for example.
We also provide candidates with the Occupation Outlook Handbook.
We do receive employment data for those who accept employment in Oklahoma public schools via the Data Governance Council (see First Year Teacher Survey above) for initial and advanced level completers. However, it is more difficult to track those who seek employment out of state or outside public school settings.
What is the student loan default rate at Oklahoma State University?
As calculated in the most recent report from September 2021 for 2019 statistics, the current default rate for Oklahoma State University is 1.2% while the national average is currently 2.3%.
- What programs were reviewed and what was their status at the time of the last accreditation visit in 2022?